December 2020 Newsletter
This newsletter has a holiday theme and, accordingly, highlights tips for sharing holiday custody time. When co-parents are attempting to agree on a holiday custody schedule, the various ways to split holiday custody time can be confusing! This newsletter explains some of the most common ways to share the holidays. Moreover, this newsletter gives an update on the Darbouze Law Group and highlights the Darbouze Law Group's expansion into Cambria County, Pennsylvania.

September 2020 Newsletter
The first-ever Darbouze Law Group Newsletter was published in September of 2020. The quarterly newsletter has a back-to-school theme and contains several tips on how to navigate back-to-school disagreements. Specifically, in the midst of COVID-19, many co-parents disagree as to whether children should do virtual learning, in-person learning, or hybrid-style learning. This newsletter also features a welcome message from Principal Attorney Lauren Darbouze, an update on the law firm's most recent news, and links to helpful resources.